
Screenwriter, Film Critic and Archivist, Novelist, Playwrite, Poet, Blogger, Journalist


Lecturer, Middle School Teacher and Administrator, Academic Coach and Tutor, Literacy Event Specialist

Available For


Creative Writing Workshops, Seminars and Panels, Summer Programs and Camps

 Book signing and Book Talks

 Literacy Event Planning and Coordinating 

(Bookfairs, After School and Summer Writing Programs and Camps, Literacy Summer Day Camps 

Workshops in Developing Teaching Strategies Geared toward Learning Styles

Workshops in Developing Stragegies for Students with Literacy Challenges)

Read excerpts from Akanke's novel, Sacred Days, scheduled for release in Janaury 2017. Read loglines and excerpts from her screenplays, stage play, and critical essays. Some items are available for order in PDF.

Contact: ttakanke@hotmail.com


P.O. Box 66453, Baltimore, MD 21239

Writer, Educator, Film Critic and Archivist, Photographer

Titilayo Akanke

Upcoming lectures, workshops, booksignings

to be announced. Inquire or book yours now.